One Day at Frankfurt Airport (Tag der Luftfahrt 2017)

My day started in the early morning. I always wanted to try that spot near the taxiway connecting the northern runway with the airport. Therefore, I had to get up very early. Light is best at about 6:30 am in summer. Seeing the results, it was definitely worth it - a great new perspective.


When some clouds came in I moved over to the fire brigade for the landings on runway 25R and later on to the event which took place on the southern apron in "Cargo City Süd" called "Tag der Luftfahrt 2017" / Aviationday.


The airport had some nice aicraft on display including a Lufthansa Airbus A380, the Flying Bulls Douglas DC-6 as well as many old single engine aircraft like the T-6, Boeing Stearman or Dornier Do27. 


ALL PHOTOS FRA/EDDF 24.06.2017 :